Portland Zine Symposium
The Portland Zine Symposium (PZS) is an organization that hosts, among other events, a yearly free conference and zine social exploring facets of independent publishing and DIY culture. This event has been held in Portland, Oregon every summer since 2001 and hosts over 150 zinesters from around the world each year, as well as many free workshops, panels, and discussions.
Mission Statement
The Portland Zine Symposium (PZS) aims to build community between creators of independent publications in Portland, OR and beyond. PZS events create space for artists to share their work while exchanging skills and knowledge related to zine culture, creative expression, and self-publishing in an accessible, non-commercial environment. PZS strives to amplify the voices of underrepresented communities, and promote equitable conditions for Portland’s creative community to thrive.
PZS Organizers
The Portland Zine Symposium is run by volunteer organizers! Below are just a few of the folks helping organize the Portland Zine Symposium:
M. Sabine Rear
M. Sabine Rear is a cartoonist and zine-maker, and the cute blind lady you gave your seat to on the bus. She can found at www.michaelsabine.com and on Instagram as @michaelsabine
Emily Moroz
Emily Moroz (she/her/they) is a cartoonist, illustrator, gay outdoorslady and member of the Sound Grounds Wreckin’ Cru. Find more at moreohs.com and on IG @moreohs.
Wren McSherry
Wren is 25 years old wringing and slinging comics for the people. They like cats, tea, film, and ranting about 70s manga. You can find them on insta @crowsden.
Liz Yerby
Liz Yerby writes comics about crying. They are a proud member of the Sound Grounds Wreckin' Cru and also sometimes a mouse. Their art can be found at lizyerby.com and on IG @lizyerby.
Rainer Kannenstine
Rainer Kannenstine (He/Him) is a Portland based cartoonist focusing on the weird and wonderful. You can find his work @rfkannen everywhere with handles.
Aster Alvarez
Aster Alvarez (they/them) is a queer artist, bookseller, and emo music enthusiast. Catch them at Powell’s hiding in the small press and poetry sections or online at @astxrias.bookshelf for books and @astxria.art for drawings.
Emlyn Thompson
Emlyn Thompson is an out-of-practice artist and lifelong monster enthusiast. He doesn't really have an online presence, but he's working to change that.
CJ Alicandro
CJ Alicandro (they/them) is a self-proclaimed patron of the arts. Proudly queer Jew, karaoke enthusiast, union organizer, and all-around busy body.
BB Andersson
BB Andersson is a cartoonist,
zinester, designer, and multimedia artist. Find their work at bbandersson.com and on instagram @bbandersson
Emma Wiseman
Emma (she/they) is a graphic designer & zinester. She can be found gardening, working on LURCH Zine, or at a show. See more of Emma’s work at @emmawisegnome.